Red Roy

Red Roy


speedometerThere are 24K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers
I am a musician who posts covers on my social media and have garnered a minor following in doing so. I have over 13k followers collectively on my Facebook Social network and 3k followers on my Instagram. I am really interested in using any products that have to do with fashion apparel (shirts, jackets, jeans, shoes etc.), health and lifestyle products such as scrubs, teas, proteins and deodorants, as well as musical products such as instruments or instrumental accessories, headphones or studio equipment. Those are some specific interests but I like to keep an open mind and am willing to try any and every product that comes my way.
I am very consistent on my social media so I am able to promote consistently across all platforms of social media as well as give my honest reviews and feedback.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.68%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 7
View Average 88

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I will Put out two highly informative videos on your products on TikTok

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