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GOD BELIEVER. I'm not being a religious person (coz I respect every religion) but as how I see the world and how organized it is. I believe in the facts of science but not the theory of Big Bang.. Everything is just so organized to say that it came from an explosion. Evolution has proof coz change is constant but no proof at all of the beginning and the end. I'm just a human and I believe there's someone higher than me.

I was born an adventurer. I remember my mom told me when I was 3-5 years old, i get out from my crib on my own just to walk outside. I don't remember it though. But what I remember is I'm bored whenever I'm stuck inside the house so I make a way out and see the world. Hangout with friends and experience what I can experience. I've got so many scars from the things I did when i was young, skateboard, roller blades, bike exhibition, motorbike, climbing up the tree, mountain climbing, hunting for spiders and frogs (haha!)
In my present life, I do lots of adventurous things and crazy sports! WAKEBOARDING is one of the things I'm practicing now and just recently I've done SKY DIVING (the best!!!). I've done Canyoneering, Bike Zipline, Scuba Diving as well and I wanna do more!

MUSIC LOVER. Well, I will never say that I'm a good musician but I play music from my heart.. :) I play guitar and ukulele so if ever we catch up and you have guitar, expect that I will play it! :D

ART LOVER. I'm not that good in art as well but I do draw and paint in my most convenient time. Haha! I enjoy watching sketches and paintings. I do face painting during huge festivals in the Philippines and did some Mural paintings on Island resorts.

SPORTS LOVER. If you play sports, just tell me and I will do my best to play with you. The sports I play best are Badminton, Billiards/Pool, Table Tennis and I can play Chess, shooting balls, air hockey, bowling and some water sports like wake boarding, scuba diving and my favorite is SKY DIVING. :D

DESPERATE PHOTOGRAPHER. As much as I wanted to have a camera, I couldn't! Haha! Coz everytime I save for a camera, it always end up booking flights to travel. I love editing photos as well making emphasis of the story. :)

TEACHER. I can teach you whatever field I know (bit of guitar and ukulele, my country and my culture). I used to be an English teacher for Korean student back in my College days then I went to China to teach there as well.

FILM LOVER. I work in Film and Music Industry as a freelancer. Sometimes part of the production team and sometimes the actress. I have produced music gigs already here in Cebu. Sometimes I do modelling but I'm not really into it just trying out sometimes. Haha! It's hard to walk on high heels.

FLEXIBLE. Not the body but my capability to easily respond to altered circumstances and ready to adapt to different conditions. Haha! :) I could say that I'm flexible coz I've tried working in different fields. I've worked as a teacher, film crew, actress, model, graphic artist, event organizer, henna and face paint artist, school agency supervisor, personal assistant, talent coordinator, etc.

TRAVELLER. To see what's outside of the world is my greatest dream but before that or if I can't reach that level, I would love to see what's inside the world first. The beauty of God's creation is beyond my imagination and I wanted my imagination to be a reality.

I'm a very open minded person. You can talk to me about anything but if you're just gonna choose me as a guide coz you want to hook up with me, then you should go and find someone else or better yet go to a prostitute club. You're on the wrong website Sir! Thank you for the respect! Much love!

I would accept any gifts that's offered to me of course!

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