Ranyouri Senia

Ranyouri Senia

United States

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Hello and thank you for considering me! I have over 15 years in customer service and 5 years in sales. If you decide to chose me you will get someone that is dedicated to providing reviews/ feedback that will take your business to the next level. I also have the gift of gab and can usually draw others in based off my genuine personality. One things that I've learning over the years is that presence, visualization and wording are key. Regardless of the product let's connect and see how we can partner up. I look forward to working with you soon.

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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 7.14%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 1
View Average 181

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I will offer a review for a skinare products or cosmetics products.

I will promote your brand
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I will promote your brand

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