Rachel Farjo

Rachel Farjo

United States

14K Reach

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I’m a 30 year old mother of 2. I am an advocate for the Montessori method and my content is mostly how to implement Montessori at home. I offer budget-friendly Montessori hacks and tips on how to cultivate playrooms and activities for children of all ages.

I also practice gentle parenting. It is an unconventional method of parenting that respects the child’s emotions, while still setting firm boundaries. More people are coming to the realization traditional discipline can be detrimental and are flocking to gentle parenting method. My page offers tips on how to raise successful and kind humans through this delicate form of discipline  

Lastly, I am very holistic. My page teaches people how to live naturally. I lost products and services that are natural and organic. I  give advice on how to practice a healthy lifestyle while juggling a job, children, a husband and a home. 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 3.08%
Comment Average 18
Like Average 319
View Average 4K
Play Average 7K

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