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Master Trainer P. Don Mega started training dogs at 10 years old in the streets of Chicago Illinois, sold his first dog for $500.00, and was permanently bit by the bug, during his tenour in animal research at the University of Chicago under Lawrence Mullins he met a guy name Les who told him that until he followed his passion he would never be happy, because would cage train all the animals he came in contact with. P Don saw an ad in the Chicago Sun-Times for a dog trainer position no experience with great anticipation he went to the Pro Shop for Dog Trainers on 83rd and South Chicago under the direction of the late great James Stratton, this was his first invitation into the Pros later attended the school for Professional Dog Trainers under the Direction Of The Greatest of All Times LT EARL JONES known all over Chicago to this very day. Received a full scholarship graduated number one in his class, has been in his profession for over 40yrs. The Slogan He Lives By / The Best Dog is a Trained Dog. P. Don Mega is currently in Collective Collaboration with DAWG LIFE as Executive Director of the Training Program in Dallas Fort Worth Texas 469 886 8003.

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