Prayer Riju

Prayer Riju


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My name is Prayer Riju of “intamil”, a youtube review channel that focuses on appliances and related accessories. Our channel can be viewed at the following link ([link-omitted]). We have been reviewing the latest and greatest technology since 2016. We have over 5,000 subscribers on our youtube channel and have reviewed products from companies.  If you would be willing to send me a sample. I would be able to put together an honest video review of the product on our youtube channel. I will include the product URL and price at the end of the video so people know where to purchase it from. If you are interested in offering my viewers a discount or promotional code I would be happy to include that in the video. I send it back to you which I am happy to do.

If you require any additional information I would be happy to provide it.

My mailing address and contact details are below.

Thank you for your time

Prayer Riju


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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.08%
Comment Average 5
Like Average 0
View Average 718

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