Phuong Tran

Phuong Tran

United States

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I am a full-time paralegal and blogger during my spare time.. I am a workaholic but in my free time, I enjoy exploring the beauty that California + the rest of the world has to offer while it may be hiking, snowboarding, swimming, traveling, etc. I enjoy documenting my travels and adventures through pictures and post on Instagram. I consider myself to be fairly creative and truly express my own identity through my photos and what I do. I also have a passion for fashion and beauty so occasionally some of my posts will be of makeup or outfits of the day. Thus, I think I would be interested in mostly health, beauty, fashion, and practical products.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.46%
Comment Average 50
Like Average 558
View Average 8K
Play Average 15K

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