Pearl Miranda

Pearl Miranda


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I created my social media brand named Lasang Halaman with over 1.4k subscribers on YouTube and almost 1k followers on Instagram. 

I am living a positive lifestyle that's centered on veganism and most of my followers are Filipinos from all over the world but they're mostly from the Philippines. 

In case you're wondering, Lasang Halaman literally means "Tastes like plant" which has a negative connotation when you say it in Filipino. However, I'm here to change that and prove that plants are actually tasty and delicious! 

I'm here to show people how simple and easy it ACTUALLY is to have a vegan lifestyle and I'd love do this by showing my followers what awesome products and services you have offered for them. 

Let's chat and see how we can give value to one another! 

I can't wait to hear from you!

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 3.01%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 30
View Average 246
Play Average 953

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