ASMRtist, Disabled Army Veteran, Chronic Pain Advocate, & Plus Size Model. I use my channel to promote wellness, reduce anxiety, and relieve symptoms of ptsd and depression. I'm looking to work with brands who focus on mental and physical wellness. I live on a sportsman's access lane and have scores of wild turkeys, magpies, doves, Stellar's jays, and racoons as constant visitors and share this content alongside my wellness content.
Promotion for #fabover40: [link-omitted]
Promotion for Viral Niidor Sticky Bra: [link-omitted]
Promotion for Shein Curve: [link-omitted]
Youtube Content: [link-omitted]
Website: [link-omitted]
My content and community is set up for ASMR unboxings, 'Wellness' or other themed days (like Wellness Wednesday where I could feature your product), and behind the scenes living in a rural area on a sportsman's access lane.