Paegan O'Ceallaigh

Paegan O'Ceallaigh

United States

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With the explosion of vtubers taking live streaming and video hosting platforms by storm, there is a whole new subplot immerging just beneath the surface of what seems to many to be just a passing hobby, soon to die out: the rise of the virtual content creator. Virtual content creators, or vtubers, use digital avatars to represent themselves in their content, rather than appearing on camera, adding a whole new level of artistic expression and performance to their content. However, at the core of vtuber is a factor that most miss: Vtubing is content creation. Content creation with its own unique challenges, but at its core, it presents all the same challenges as starting any content creation business. On my YouTube channel, I host workshops designed on helping this budding new sector of content creators navigate the world of content creation, from equipment to marketing to best practices with one overarching message: There can be no ego in content creation, and no one gets anywhere alone. This community is focused on growth and championing each other, banding together to carve out our own sector of the online content creation market: independent vtubers. On my Twitch channel, I am a content creator myself, focused on gaming, community, and good times to be had for all. With my community, we play through story games from start to finish, and focus on mental health, clarity, and the value of community, creating a safe space where viewers can congregate and enjoy their time with a certain suspension of reality known collectively as The Grove: a magical world where everyone is accepted as they are, for who they are, and celebrated and supported despite their differences. I am also the creator and owner of Grove Grooves, a label of copyright and royalty free music for streamers, creators, and roleplayers which is streaming live on all the major music platforms, such as spotify and apple music. Though the label itself is small, we are in the process of rapid expansion: partnering with new artists in order to grow our library of available music. At this point, you may be wondering just who I am, and what I am all about. I am Paegan O'Ceallaigh, better known by my handle, Paegan Pixie, your resident Druid streamer with a penchant for good tea and bad puns. The Founding Fae, as it were, of The Grove: an ardent community with a passion and penchant for doing good and helping others as we Millennials are passionate about doing. So, what's next for the future of myself and this community that I've built? The flagship podcast, Of Leaves and Legends, is in the works and set for launch in September of 2021, which will feature original works of fiction alongside retellings of Celtic folklore and fables aimed at not only preserving the oral Celtic traditions, but with creating new stories of morality and understanding to be passed down for years to come. Working with me means not only supporting an independent creator with an entrepreneurial spirit and a drive for success, but also allows you to tap into a wonderfully diverse community of Millennials, Cuspers, and Gen Zers with a passion for content creation, mental health, and kinship with each other.

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