Ophelia Griffin

Ophelia Griffin

United States

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Hey, Hey, Hey

We are the Talley’s!
A typical millennial family creating our own rules to parenting, and cultivating traditions that will last for generations to come.

Why Talley Up?
Talley is our last name, and Up signifies growth. I am sure you know the meaning of tally marks, and how you add more of them as you continue to count. | | | | Four tally marks is the number of humans in our family, and at any time we can add more marks to signify our physical growth. Our family is continuously growing mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even financially. In everything we do we want to Talley Up as a family, because where else is there to go but UP?

This blog is a family blog. Most content will definitely be uploaded by me, but Aaron is excited about also Talleying Up and adding his own content from his dad perspective. We are honestly the typical millennial family; We don’t follow any generational parenting rules as we feel that we are still healing from our own childhoods, and we parent based off of instinct, and what feels right for each of our kids; We are extremely transparent about who we are, as we feel it strengthens our relationships with friends and family; We are entrepreneurs , because we do not want to work for anyone but ourselves.

This is Us, The Talley’s, and the parts of us that we aren’t too embarrassed to share with you.

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