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Hello! I'm Shuhada. I'm a Malaysian. I'm 29, a full time blogger & housewife, a wife and a mother of 1 sons. 

Page Views total (Blogger) is around 80K until 100K.

I love blogging! I also love being able to share in the love of two individuals and feel blessed to get to work with each wonderful people each day.

I started blogging since 2012 and over the years I've gone from personal blog to lifestyle blog. I love to share about new things too!

Follow me on Instagram, connect with me on Facebook or shoot an e-mail my way to [link-omitted]!

If you think this blog is good, please pitch back. Thank you :)

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Some of their offers

I will post a video review of your product to my 11K Tiktok followers.
Social Share on TikTok

I will post a video review of your product to my 11K Tiktok followers.

I will do posting to review the brand
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will do posting to review the brand



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 99.99%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 17
View Average 1K

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I will fashion influencer
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will fashion influencer

I will promote all products and I'll make sure everyone knows about these produc
Social Share on Instagram

I will promote all products and I'll make sure everyone knows about these produc

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