Olivia Morris

Olivia Morris


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Olivia also known as Grammie O, is a wife, mother, grandmother and friend to many. Married for almost 48 years to the same guy, she has seen ups and downs, joys and sorrows, but with a good cup of coffee in hand, can face anything the day has to offer. Optimistic and outgoing are just a few of her traits.

This Grammie loves kids, reading, hobbies and crafts.  In her heyday Grammie O was a designer and dressmaker with a great eye for fashion and looking good.  Always upbeat and a charming friend to many.

Currently looking for ways to "Age Gracefully" with tools made especially for the aging population!  I am the caregiver for two "senior seniors" one is 92 and the other 93, so I know there is a market out there for things to make life easier as we age!

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