Olivia Harrington

Olivia Harrington

United States

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“Never in a million years did I picture this to be my life right now. Excuse me let me correct myself, I did dream about this but never thought it would be a reality. I just want to pause for a moment there and say this; yes,  there will be a lot of personal, sometimes embarrassing stories because I am far from perfect, but there will also be deeper life lessons that I hope some of you can relate to and take with you. The first one lying in my second statement . I NEVER imagined this being what I would get to be doing right now and I want you to think about that for a second. While yes,  some of you, probably most of you,  know who I am and where I grew up, there is also a large group of you that have no idea who I am and just basically see a highlight reel of my life. Key word; highlight. I say highlight because I am not dressed in head to toe stylish outfits and full makeup everyday, heck oftentimes I am wearing one of my dads XL tee shirts…” Harrington, Olivia. “Hello! It’s just me.” Oh for real, 3 May 2020, [link-omitted]

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