Olagbemi E

Olagbemi E


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Well, i am Emmanuel aka Equivalent. I am a Musician/Artist from Lagos Nigeria. My kind of music is Afro music with fusion of rap, RnB, rock, raggae, Indie and pop. These days i'm mostly recording in our studio in Lagos and if i'm not, i reach out to friends and fans on social media to hear what they have to say about our different sound and style. My EP titled "Approved" is out on itunes and other major online music promoting outlets. I'm currently kicking it with IMEnt, our label in Lagos.
I love night life, I love fashion and style, movie is an addiction, I travel a lot, I love good food, shoes, and i'm up for solid time piece with smart precision. In all these I absolutely pay attention to details as quality is usually outstanding.
The products i'd be interested in receiving depends on the range of products you offer. It can be from suits, designer shoes, wrist watches, jackets, T-shirts, stylish hats, vintage shirts, sun shades, bracelets, vintage wine, hair products, or smart electronic gadgets, anything that can be useful as gifts to people in my environment and to my growing audience.

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