Nur Khafisah Ashadi

Nur Khafisah Ashadi


5K Reach

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Hi, I am a Malaysia mom blogger who like to share everything. Lifestyle niche is suit with me where I do share review about the movie or drama that I watched. Some experience that I had in my day, how hectic my kids could be. At the end, I would like to write a review about some product that I try either it's skincare , food, electronic or anything. 

After all, I just a simple mom who needs some shout out and some place to write down my day. 

In this application I would try and learn more that as I could. I love writing ans here I try my luck to make some income to share with my kids. 

To see Nur Khafisah's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will do a  review video about product to will be ask for me.
Social Share on Instagram

I will do a review video about product to will be ask for me.

I will write a review or something based on your demand suitable with my blog
Post on Blog

I will write a review or something based on your demand suitable with my blog



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.31%
Comment Average 4
Like Average 17
Play Average 241
Share Average 1

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I will write a quality review of your product on my website
Post on Blog

I will write a quality review of your product on my website

I will Advertising,Marketing and Influencing
Social Share on Facebook

I will Advertising,Marketing and Influencing

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