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Essay On Time– Time is very precious and we should not waste it

in any way. Likewise, we can earn the money we spent but we

cannot get back the time we have lost. So, this makes the time more

valuable than money. Hence, we should utilize the time in the most

possible way.

Importance of Time

This the most valuable and precious thing in the world. Also, we

should use it for our good as well as for the good of others around

us. This will help us and the society to progress towards a better

tomorrow. Moreover, we should teach our children the importance

and value of time. Also, wasting time will only lead you to cause an

issue to you and the people around you.

Effective Utilization of Time

For effectively utilizing the time we must consider some points

which will help us in our whole life. This utilization includes setting

goals, prepare work lists, prioritize task, and take adequate sleep

and various others.

For effectively utilizing time set long and short term goals these

goals will help you in remaining productive.

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