Nombulelo Jili

Nombulelo Jili

South Africa

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My name is Nombulelo Jili and I am 19 years old from South Africa. 

I am definetly a girly-girl. I love clothes, I love getting dressed in cute outfits, going out for some food and drinks and take pictures of course ! I take myself very seriously but I can also loosen up without complaints. I have taken an interest in Make up as well and it's been going pretty well. I love that I can enhance my face with make up. Music is my cure for everything, not a day goes by without me listening to music.

 I am also currently working on my sewing skills and I have a small business from home.  I love to inspire others as well through my work and the way I carry myself.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 20.37%
Comment Average 55
Like Average 2K
View Average 3K
Play Average 7K

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