Nicol Chauke

Nicol Chauke

South Africa

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I am a goal driven individual.

patienate about what I do and my surroundings.

Always willing to help when needed and a hard worker.

creative and have wonderful communication  skills.

I am a fan of being girly at the same time an independent  lady.

giving up to me is a person's biggest mistake.

I am a person who believes  in working to their full potential to actually  realise that they are capable of many things than they think they are.

perseverance and building  a leader in me is what I do on a daily basis.

I don't strive to limit myself in any shape or form instead I build myself in the inside and also the outside.

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Some of their offers

I will post and share insight, opportunities and benefits with viewers
Social Share on Instagram

I will post and share insight, opportunities and benefits with viewers

I will I will engage with people about the brand on my social media
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will I will engage with people about the brand on my social media



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.62%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 5
View Average 92
Play Average 280

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I will Create engagement on social media
Social Engagement on Facebook

I will Create engagement on social media

I will review products
Social Review on Facebook

I will review products

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