Neil Carmichael

Neil Carmichael


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Father of two and avid gamer since NES days.

I have been working full-time in the Broadcasting industry since 2003.  In 2014 I made the jump from linear television to non-linear work on Digital Platforms.

When I am not working Monday to Friday I try and relax by playing any and all video games.  Always recording, editing and uploading when ever possible.  

This past year 2019/2020 I volunteered as Team Manager for my 11 year-old sons Rep Hockey Team.  I've been finding a great sense of enjoyment watching as the team gets better and better as the season moves forward.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 7.91%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 21
View Average 974
Play Average 2K

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