Natasha Musumeci

Natasha Musumeci


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Hi there!

My name is Natasha and I am a cruelty-free Instagrammer and YouTuber from Melbourne, Australia.

My channels are beauty related and feature everything from makeup to skincare, wigs and beauty tools, including false eyelashes. However,  I am always looking into products to introduce to my following, as well as giving them my thoughts on these products. 

I have worked with a few brands in the past and have done both video reviews and photos using their products that have been sent to me.  Some of these brands are: Cheeky Bits, Cruelty Free B, and Born Pretty Store.

I have also had some of my work shared on Instagram

I am open to working with a range of people/brands to see what we can create together!

To see Natasha's full profile please login or register.



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Comment Average 3
Like Average 4
View Average 45

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