Narado Powell

Narado Powell

United States

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Narado Zeco Powell was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica and as a child, he was underweight. When he moved to the United States at age 16,  he was 5’11” and weighed 113 pounds. By age 18, he was inspired to learn more about fitness and nutrition and took a special interest in fitness. He spent 18 years educating himself by reading evidence based scientific articles, learning from mentors and trying different techniques. In 2018, he decided that he wanted to use his knowledge to help others. 

Zeco carries 7 fitness and nutrition certifications from the International Sports Sciences Association. They include: 1. Certified Personal Trainer 2. Certified Nutrition Specialist 3. Corrective Exercise Specialist 4. Exercise Therapy Specialist 5. Transformation Specialist 6. DNA Based Trainer and 7. Weight Management Specialist. Having a large knowledge base allows him to work with a wide variety of clients. In addition, it allows him to design programs that are specific to his clients’ needs.  

He shares his knowledge with others via several social media platforms including Twitter and Instagram. He is passionate about educating others and hopes to continue to learn, grow and adapt so that he can bring the most up to date and actionable content to his clients, followers and subscribers. 

You can learn more about Zeco and access his content on his fitness & nutrition focused Instagram [link-omitted] 

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