My name is Nadine and I am the artist for [link-omitted], its a artist account , i review products sometimes and draw with them pitching them to my followers. I have experience with different typ3s of media in art and would love to see how your products works and show my followers as well if its worth the buy . I am writing to see if you would like to work with me on Ali express review project on my facebook and instagram page.
I promote all stories via my social media channels which has a collective reach of 20k . Most of my readers are artist , designers and people looking to become artists. I specifically would feature your brand in my art work and in speed art videos and list them im the description, i also dont mind in doing unboxing if you are interested.
I currently have 20,000 Facebook Followers, 3600+ Instagram Followers [link-omitted] companies I have worked with include Prismacolor Premier Kneaded, ArtGum, and Plastic Erasers, Prismacolor, Winsor & Newton
I know my readers would love to hear about your products. I invite you to visit my pages and let me know if you are interested in forming a working relationship. Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you.
Nadine Issa
nadine issa
Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 1.06% |
Comment Average | 6 |
Like Average | 46 |