Nadia Jamhari

Nadia Jamhari


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Hi, I am Nadia, a Malaysian blogger since 2018. I love to share lifestyle, beauty and study tips, reviews about drama, movies, and beauty products, my coding journey, and more on my blog. I really love to share to audience the benefits I get from a product or a services. I write content in Malay Language. 

My profile is a bitmoji, but do not worry, I am a human, not a robot! It just my identity that I use in blogger so I think remain the identity would be awesome. Could not wait to collaborate with you!

To see Nadia's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will Post blog post review
Post on Blog

I will Post blog post review



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 8.01%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 83

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I will put out individual #AD posts/stories
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I will put out individual #AD posts/stories

I will provide a high quality review on the product you have to offer.
Post on Blog

I will provide a high quality review on the product you have to offer.

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