Monica Jemison

Monica Jemison

United States

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I’m a woman with just about every title a woman can have (Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, etc…), and I proudly add kidney disease survivor to the list. I developed Chronic Kidney Disease at 37, went on dialysis at 41, and received a new kidney at 43 (while a transplant is awesome, it’s not a cure). The biggest things that kept me going was my faith in God and my organization. I always felt at peace when I knew what was (or what was potentially) coming next. 

I’ve been a graphic designer for almost 25 years and have recently addied illustration to my list of abilities. In the past I’ve worked with a telecom company, various churches, a gym, million dollar real estate agencies, a worldwide syndicated television show, and many others. I’ve been known to randomly recreate a logo for a small business or non-profit for free because the current one looked outdated, too busy, or was just plain bad design. I love and am inspired by the success of others, so Helping you helps me!

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