Mikhaela Adarve

Mikhaela Adarve


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Mikhaela Alyssa Adarve is a DIY Travel + Sustainability Coach, who loves to share her insightful DIY travel tips, honest food reviews, raising the awareness of sustainable fashion and eco-lifestyle.


Youthsoloartsy is a coined word that focuses on the cultural diversity world we live in. A Travel, Sustainable Fashion & Lifestyle, where you can get insightful travel tips, honest food reviews, the impact of sustainable fashion. The goal of this blog is to help women to build their self-love, find exceptional travel tips to expand their adventures, raising awareness of sustainable fashion, and have an eco-conscious lifestyle.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 11.78%
Comment Average 5
Like Average 8
Play Average 111
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