Mike Singer

Mike Singer

United States

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I am a philosopher, musician and writer. I am into Truth, Freedom and Justice For All.

I have been playing the guitar, piano, bass, drums and singing for over forty years. As a certified musical instructor I have been teaching music for over thirty years. I provide the greatest, most comprehensive, most dynamic, most awesome music lessons available – GUARANTEED! I am also a philosopher who questions all things and enjoys discussing issues like the Spinning Globe Earth traveling through "outer space" vs. the Created Flat Terrarium under a "Firmament Dome" as is described in the bible. I have challenged the “virus” concept and "theory" unlike anybody else, as can be seen in my website: [link-omitted]. Finally, I am a True American and Patriot Warrior who is standing up and speaking out on behalf of the Federal “Civil Rights” of all Americans. I believe the USA can be and should be a shinning beacon of righteousness and hope unto the entire world, but that it has failed miserably in this regard – primarily due to the immoral, perverted, depraved and irresponsible mainstream media.

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