Hi, I'm Michelle! I'm an adventurous hiker based in Nova Scotia, Canada, who is also a singer, and I'm in the midst of recording my first album, (which of course is nature-themed). My active followers are primarily based in the Canadian Maritimes, as well as British Columbia, (where I recently spent time), but I do have followers clear across the globe. My content features nature photography, and selfies in nature with products where I can promote brands, and my posts are thoughtfully paired with personal captions, and insightful quotes that help foster a sense of community and a personal relationship with my followers. I will be travelling to New Brunswick and Ireland this year, and featuring content from there, however most of my content will be based predominantly in NS, (unless someone wants to send me somewhere, and then I'd be happy to go!). I love working with brands, and have worked with several already. Can't wait to connect with you!
Michelle Calder
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Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 4.87% |
Comment Average | 14 |
Like Average | 133 |
View Average | 1K |
Play Average | 4K |