Michael Avon

Michael Avon

United States

7K Reach



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For two decades, Michael Avon Art has thrived on the repeat business of a vibrant group of loyal customers. 

Gifted in the areas of portrait photography, wedding photography,  videography and brand storytelling, Michael Avon Art offers a team of visual artists, writers, and creators at a rate that works with your budget. 

Our gift from God is the gift of skillfully using our art to capture meaningful memories, build portfolios and amplifying the digital brands of creatives.

Michael Avon, is a  Washington, DC-based digital artist and visual storyteller overcame all odds and now travels the world helping brands share their stories as a photographer, videographer, music producer and activist.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.13%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 9
View Average 54
Play Average 102

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