I love trying new things and in love telling others about them!
I've got review accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, and do product reviews on my personal Facebook Page. I have almost 300 followers on IG and get more each day. I'm also trying to build up a review channel on YouTube, so am glad to do reviews there, as well.
My reviews are very thorough and always a couple of paragraphs. I think my decades of selling on eBay have helped me with writing reviews, because I sold on eBay long before everyone had digital cameras. So we were selling items without being able to show pics. I had to be thorough and detailed in describing each item, from top to bottom. So I tend to find myself doing the same when I have an item to reviews.
I'm someone who doesn't leave a bad review if there are one or two things I don't care for about an item. I recognize that everyone has different tastes and preferences, and just because I may not like something about a particular item, someone else may love it. So my reviews are objective and descriptive. Most of all, they're fair.
I always include more than one picture. I know that when I'm looking at reviews on an item I'm considering, I love to see pics. So I like to include as many pictures as possible, and pictures that show the product out of package, in use, with close-ups to show the best detail possible.