maymona abdalrazek

maymona abdalrazek


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Hey, you can call me Mona.
im an outgoing Model and aspiring influencer who is great at acting too.
I think I'm a very artistic person since I love fashion, acting, making videos, taking pictures, dancing and all that is artistic in life. I'm also very motovational and give great advice atleast that's what my friends tell me and ask me for, lol.
I'm also very confident and sarcastic. I mean I embrace my flaws everyone wants to act like they're perfect but I think I'm perfect because of my imperfections. That's what's makes me human. I'm brutally honest which can come off as rude, but I say whatever I say with the best intentions, except if you cross the lines ofcourse then I'd be called something way worse

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Some of their offers

I will advertise the products or brands that I like the most
Social Share on Instagram

I will advertise the products or brands that I like the most

I will advertise your product on my feed, story or as a reel video
Social Review on Instagram

I will advertise your product on my feed, story or as a reel video



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.62%
Comment Average 11
Like Average 54
View Average 511
Play Average 1K

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I will provide a thorough explanation of why I adore your products!

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