Marky Mendoza

Marky Mendoza


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Marky Mendoza
Reiki Master and Teacher
Kundalini Reiki Master And Teacher
Karuna Reiki/Ki Master
Intuitive Tarot Reader and Teacher
Psychic Therapist
Podcaster @theconsciousnestshow
YouTube: Reiki with Marky

My journey- Marky started his spiritual journey in 2016 as a Reiki student. Having to work in financial institutions for 15 years, spirituality was never part of his priorities. Not until he got to attend his Reiki class and then his life changed as it all started with a decision to making it a way of life. In this journey, Marky also studied divination through Tarot Reading and became a seasoned reader and teacher. He became a Reiki Master and Teacher in 2018 and has already a number of students including celebrities in the Philippines.

Marky also found a deeper connection with the divine when he embraced Hinduism fully in 2019. Incorporating Reiki, Vedic Astrology, and meditation, Marky developed a holistic approach in healing in which he shares in all of his workshops.

Marky is also a Podcaster of The Conscious Nest Show and now with a YouTube channel, Reiki with Marky.

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