Mario Bradley

Mario Bradley

United States

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Monev360 is a man with music as his life. He began singing at a young age, patterning after
his mother singing in the choir and or with her sisters all her life. He liked hanging out with one
of his uncles who always liked to play music where he would listen to records. In the late 80's and early
90's one genre of music began to resonate with him more and more-hip-hop. At the age of 11, he began
creating raps of his own. The Monev360 name came about because after many name changes and finally settling
on Venom, he found that there were other artists who either had that name or something similar to it.
So Monev is Venom backwards and 360 is from 36 Chambers because of being a fan of Wu-Tang Clan.
The zero was added because that made it sound better as a name. After many talent shows, and performing at venues
such as the Pourhouse in Raleigh, and his local church Word Tabernacle,
he realizes that he has paid his dues, but yet still has more dues to pay. Monev comes from the era of spending hours
freestyling and recording tapes on an old radio, and rap battles, so his intent has always been to strive for excellence.
Monev is an artist who loves writing thought-provoking rhymes and creating head-nodding and system bumping beats.
He also has a hip-hop YouTube channel and ultimately wants to convert his passion for music into a business.

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Comment Average 3
Like Average 29
View Average 46
Play Average 79

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