Maria Grip

Maria Grip


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Looking for a versatile influencer? I run a couple of blogs, a few Facebook pages and three Instagram accounts. 

[link-omitted] was already in 2014 accredited the 4th Best Travel Blog in Sweden, through Travel Blog Awards held by Super Saver Travel. Later accredited the 4th Best Inspirational Traveller in category ”Big City” through Apollo Travel in Sweden in 2015. [link-omitted] (in English) was published in 2018. Since I have visited 50+ countries of the world, and the goal is to keep on adding countries, I share stories and recommendations from the journeys throughout the TravelGrip network. The Instagram account has 640+ followers, and is growing. I communicate in Swedish and English. Mainly Swedish audience. 

Home Deco is a huge interest beside traveling, I renovate, remake and decorate homes, rooms and items. Growing a base of followers on Instagram, currently around 60 followers. Mainly Swedish audience. 

Unesuedoiseenfrance on Instagram is the newest project, focusing soley on France, due to my fascinations for this country. In 2020 I will be a house owner in the southern parts of France. I communicate mainly in English. Mainly European audience.

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