Marcin Kucybała

Marcin Kucybała


3K Reach



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My name is Marcin. I was born on September 12 and I'm 23 years old. I live in Stary Chwalim with two younger brothers and parents.

Today I am YouTuber so far in Poland. My main hobby is recording and editing videos on the internet. I also like listening to music. I don't have a favorite band, but I usually listen to techno. Jesetm is open and makes friends very quickly. My advantage is probably honesty. Unfortunately, I also have disadvantages, like everyone else. My main disadvantage is laziness. I often hear, for example, '' talented but lazy ''. The second drawback or maybe addiction is the Internet. There is no day that I do not open the web browser. I also have many dreams and goals. However, my biggest dream is to go abroad. Travel the world and meet other people.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.64%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 3

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