Manikrishnan Narasimhan

Manikrishnan Narasimhan


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Manikrishnan is my name but people call me Manish. I am originally from Kerala, India, but currently reside in Bahrain. I am running a Youtube channel. My channel name is Tech 'N' Spice and the link is here [link-omitted] On my channel, I do all kinds of unboxing and reviews of the latest smartphones and gadgets. I do videos based on apps and some tech news too. I do some personalized promotions for the respective brands. To tell you more about my channel I have 12.5k+ subscribers with 6k per day views. Currently, I am working with Huawei (Arabia + Global + India), Alcatel, Vivo, Oppo, and Xiaomi brands in Bahrain. All these brands have shared my videos on their official social media pages as well as in their community pages. Also, I am starting to work with the Honor brand (global). Apart from this, I am an official content writer in the Huawei community (Uae, India, UK, and global) Apart from YouTube, I have a website [link-omitted]. In this blog we cover all the latest tech news let it be Mobiles, Pc, laptops, TV or any other gadgets. On the website side, we are total of 3 people (including me) One team member is Tamil G. He is part of the official Huawei Products content crew and is responsible for writing weekly articles on product reviews, tips & tricks, recommendations on apps, and games, and FAQs. He is also a representative of the HONOR UK Content Crew, Moderator, and Support Team to help answer questions from fans, app reviews, and much more. Another Person's name is Vishnu, he is passionate about the tech industry and is the major contributor to our website. He manages the day-to-day tasks on the website and in our social media accounts. All I need is a good opportunity to prove myself as a content creator for your products. So if you are interested then please let me know. I would love to collaborate with you.

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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 16.67%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 4
Play Average 60
Share Average 0

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