Mac Proctor

Mac Proctor

United States

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My name is Mac. My Blue Heeler, Bravo and I like to travel around and go on lots of adventures. In 2019 we rode a motorcycle throughout the US and Mexico and before that we were driving a semi truck for about 5 years. Lately we've been spending lots of time with friends and family and enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. I have many hobbies that I am looking forward to sharing in our YouTube videos in the coming months and we'll start traveling again in spring of 2024.  We're very excited to build relationships with any brands whose values and message align with ours.  I'm excited to have completed a project with GhostBed where I made a product review video for their queen size GhostBed and GhostSheets. It was a great success and I'm looking forward to working with them again already. 

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