Lucas Klubb

Lucas Klubb


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Lucas Klubb, the creative behind Klubb Visuals, has a passion for graphic design in its 2D and 3D forms. Lucas has gravitation to filter-making, CGI avatar creation, and commercial graphic design. Lucas spends his spare time working on personal projects, like Candice Klubb, the young, hip, and trendy virtual influencer. Candice is a social experiment, she is easily tangible to the latest trends. 

Other personal projects include filter-making on Lucas' personal account @lucasklubbi, where he covers themes and aesthetics of questionable beauty and self-expression. In total, his personal brand has a reach of over 8 million unique users, and he has a total following of over 100,000.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.65%
Comment Average 22
Like Average 125

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