Lovre Omrčen

Lovre Omrčen


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Hello, my name is Lovre and I own Instagram page @[link-omitted]ination

I am 24 years old male from Split, Croatia. I love to travel and absolutely love everything about it so I decided to make this page on Instagram to share that kind of content. 

My page is now a place where 5500+ travel lovers gather and talk about their passion and love for travel, also they share their expirience from some trip with others as well. 

This page is really professional and the engagement rate is really high which makes it perfect for Brands and companies to advertise on it. 

To see Lovre's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 15.65%
Comment Average 54
Like Average 969
View Average 591
Play Average 2K

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I will promote your brand, add it to my story daily for a week, and even post it

I will provide a detailed experience with your product.
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I will provide a detailed experience with your product.

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