Lisa Jane Dacudao

Lisa Jane Dacudao


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Hi, I'm Lisa from Bacolod City, Philippines. I am currently an events, lifestyle, entertainment and food blogger and a member of the Negrense Bloggers Society for the past five years. Previous to this, I worked as an entertainment writer, movie magazines, daily news papers and tabloids in Manila, Philippines. I also handled PR work for various movie personalities and television shows. Since most of us are forced to stay at home and work in front of our laptops, which I think eventually has been favorable for some, I too, have no issues working and doing stuff at home. In fact, I use it in my favor since I'm also a cat mom (I have four cats) and working at home makes me get to check on them from time to time. Okay, because of this pandemic a lot has changed including our economic setback. I am looking for something interesting to do that will perk up my creative juices and of course at the same time help me gain financially. You can visit my blog at [link-omitted]

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I will do your promotion definitely.

I will make professional facebook post to promote products.
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I will make professional facebook post to promote products.

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