Linda Puspita Dewi

Linda Puspita Dewi


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For me, a blog is a place where I can recuperate and unwind. Also, pass along helpful information to others. However, for the goal of producing high-quality articles, I am always learning and expanding my writing knowledge. I graduated from authoring Makmood Publisher, Online SEO Class, and growing things class as an alumnus of ODOP batch 7

I've also joined a few communities to develop my blogging skills.
However, it's not all bad. Linda Puspita is a regular person who struggles for her principles and aspirations of being a blogger, and she succeeds.

A crazy woman writes, sometimes oblivious to the fact that it is already two o'clock in the morning. He was only stopped by his shivering legs and weariness.

My blog niche is lifestyle, parenting, health, and beauty. I love my job and do my best for it. So, i wait best opportunity for content placement and sponsored post  

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I will collaborate with brand to sponsored post, placement post in my blog
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I will collaborate with brand to sponsored post, placement post in my blog



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Comment Average 3
Like Average 8
Play Average 39
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