Lexi Penny

Lexi Penny

United States

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Hey everyone! My name is Lexi and I'm an online personality currently focusing on [link-omitted] and Instagram, and I plan on launching multiple podcasts and a YouTube channel by the end of Q2 2020. 

While I'm new to this venture, I've been in and out of entertainment for years including spending time playing guitar in heavy metal bands and as a video game journalist. I also occasionally speak at local universities on LGBT+ topics, acceptance, and the inherent issues that we face that others may be blind to. I pride myself on building a community based on "potty mouthed positivity" where we know and grow with each other, share our life stories, and build each other up at every step. 

While I don't advertise myself as such, I am a trans woman as well as a military veteran. I have a big focus on creating environments to not only show that "trans" is just an adjective and shouldn't define our lives, but as well as helping people along in their journey with my experiences. Everything from sharing my battles with insurance companies to demonstrating that we are allowed to celebrate ourselves is on the table, and my greatest joy has been when members of our community have been able to confide in me and ask questions they've not had the strength or resources for previously

Now that I've completed some surgery, I plan on being more active in the DFW modeling community and continuing to grow my sense of style while helping others find theirs as well.

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