Lesly jumbo

Lesly jumbo

United States

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Hello Lovely. Yes you, who happen to come upon this profile. I am so excited to have you here! My name is Lesly Jumbo.I have always been interested in becoming an influencer. I follow all this powerful influencers and I love how they put themselves out there. I have just started to motivate myself by getting out of my comfort zone. I just want to make a difference for someone live. If I can support one person, I would feel like the happiest person in the world. I am hopeful that as an influencer I will be able to grow and learn more about myself and others! So stoked that you came across this profile, maybe its a sign. haha.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.01%
Comment Average 11
Like Average 70
View Average 2K
Play Average 5K

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