Leah Carrithers

Leah Carrithers

United States

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Sisters living life in the land of Disney figuring out how to balance the magic of the mouse and the realities of adultling.

It's a daily quest to figure out how to juggle the responsibilities of work, healthy living, a happy marriage, and taking care of a real life tiny human. As sisters we lean on each other for moral support but let's be real, that can only get you so far.

The real secret to having it "all together" are the products that just make life a little easier. Whether that's a protein bar you enjoy in the car on your way from the gym to the office while tying your hair in your signature weekday top knot or the stroller you researched to find the exact right one for your kid that just happens to have the perfect cup holder to hold "mommy's juice" while you're walking through Epcot.

It's becoming clear to us as sisters that we can no longer keep these products to ourselves. We must share the secrets that help us to function, to find that balance of healthy and fun, and that keep us sane. We owe it to the girl bosses, the mothers, the wives, the sisters, and the entire community of ladies just trying to keep it all together.

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