I am a Lalaloopsy, Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony YouTuber with over 1,600 subscribers, over 340,000 total views and some videos reaching over 40,000 views. I have done many toy reviews on my channel and will easily be able to do more. I am also a Lalaloopsy, Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony Instagram photographer. I am looking for brands that would appeal to teens, and products I can use in my photos and videos, such as craft supplies for miniature sets and props. My main passion is screenwriting and editing, so products that would assist with that side of filmmaking would appeal to me. I also love scrapbooking, crafts, stationery and baking. I would be willing to promote products not strictly related to toys or my videos, as my viewers and followers will have many other interests as well.

Lalaloopsy LPS
United Kingdom


Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 9.41% |
Comment Average | 5 |
Like Average | 54 |