Kyle Po

Kyle Po


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I am a Voice over Artist, Event Production Director and a Promotional Vlog Content Creator. I love creating a fun-to-watch contents but with substance and use my voice to influence people. My voice over skill is one that awes the many. I can sound like a male and shift to female voice and vice versa. Promotional Vlog Clients that I usually collaborated with are from hotels, resorts, restaurants, farm, boutique. I envision to promote brands through innovative ways of creating reviews and vlogs...

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 6.82%
Comment Average 33
Like Average 57
View Average 767

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I will Collaboration with any brand to influences in my IG's story and feeds
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I will Collaboration with any brand to influences in my IG's story and feeds

I will promote and market your brand
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I will promote and market your brand

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