Kristy Patterson

Kristy Patterson

United States

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Why, hello there!

My name is Kristy, and I’m so happy you're here.

I’m the face behind A Home’s Journey. Even as a young girl, I remember standing back and looking at the pink walls in my small bedroom inside of our California rancher, wondering, “What could I do to give my room a new look?

Maybe it was convincing my mom to buy me a new comforter for my twin bed. Or, maybe it was moving my dresser to the other side of the room and hanging a few new posters in a fresh gallery style on the wall.

Fast forward to my college years at CAL Berkeley and when I was a newbie in the workforce, I found that same joy in rearranging and decorating my many apartments. And I did it on a very tight budget. Looking back, I can see how it was unconscious form of stress management for so many years.

Interestingly enough, it never dawned on me to consider a career in the home industry. Instead, for the past 14—1/2 years, I had the fortunate opportunity to work for an amazing company—. Being able to learn from and work side by side with some of the world’s greatest marketers, designers, and thought-leaders has helped shape my approach to business and continues to influence my views on technology, marketing and design.

However, just as the seasons change, so do people. The year of 2020 led our family on twists and turns we didn’t think possible. Yet, today, we find ourselves stronger, wiser and more true to ourselves than ever before. Especially, me. Thus, I knew it was time for me to say goodbye to my corporate sales career in technology and enter into a new chapter of my life.

Today, I have chosen to dedicate my time and energy to teaching myself how to update our new house and turn it into the home I’ve always dreamed of. As I’m learning carpentry real-time, I’m also sharing my lessons learned in real-time. I don’t believe in sugar coating the process and I think it’s important to show it all. It doesn’t happen overnight and things will absolutely go wrong. But there are also so many things that go right!!

Creating happy faces, and beautiful spaces, one home at a time!

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