Krista Ryan

Krista Ryan


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Have you been wholly responsible for an animals or other human’s life? I got the call at work. The one telling me that I had to remove my dead horse off of our driveway because my parents weren’t around and that there were 30 kids going to be tramping through our yard in two hours. So, with tears streaming down my face…I got the job done but swore that I wouldn’t feel helpless again. I would do what it took to care for and learn horse health. My horse had died from the West Nile virus before anyone knew what that was and I poured myself into any and all books about horses and when I went to chiropractic college, I took that same drive and passion into my profession. But here is where our health industry falls short. We focus on disease not dis-ease or longevity and I soon learned that we have very little practical advice to help your average person at home. We have lost a lot of our home remedy knowledge to time. So, with every seminar I took I began the journey of discovery. The one that has helped me move from what I know into what we can do to change our health of our bodies immediately. This has been a daunting task but not impossible. I began very early into practice to compile tricks and tips and give them to my patients to transform their live immediately.
With this podcast I am saying…never again. Never again should we focus on just dis-ease. Never again should we as a profession lose what we know from experience. From living in the trenches of practice. We need a place to change the face of our profession and bring into everyone’s home so that they can benefit from being long life focused.
I don’t want anyone dying from unknown causes. I want them living with quality and quantity of life. Armed with tools to maximize their future by changing their health today. If you just want to help your family in small ways or if you want the tools to bring your practice to the next level. This podcast is for you. For each listener, I want you to be the one in the old age home skipping like a teenager down the hallway with all your mental faculties. And I want you doing this at 108. One year longer than my great Grandmother was on this earth. Let's together change the face of our health industry.

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