Khaleel Hawkins

Khaleel Hawkins

United States

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Khaleel Hawkins is 26 years old, from Chicago Illinois. From a very young age his large imagination and creativity became noticeable from his family and teachers. He spent a lot of his time drawing and writing stories. At the age of 7 he received his first video camera for his birthday. Which is where he immediately fell in love with the ability to create short videos and see his face on a screen. Growing up watching reruns of Will Smith on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air sparked something in Khaleel that has stuck with him to this day. The ability Will Smith had to make Khaleel feel different emotions just from his acting on screen made him fall in love with acting. Through the years Khaleel has made a solid effort to make his dream come true of becoming an Actor/Filmmaker. The ability to make people smile, laugh, think, cry , and inspire young African- Americans through the work he produces is something he’s dreamt of his entire life. He is passionate about film, exercise/ diet, fashion, and more!

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