kesha dee

kesha dee

United States

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sak a fet my cheri doudou. translation is what's happening my sweetie or love. I am a Haitian American creator who centers her content around comedy, fashion, travel, and lifestyle. I have a comedic personality that brings authenticity and relatable content back to social media. I aim to create visual artistic videos that reflect my viewpoint. When it comes to fashion my style ranges from D.I.Y to store bought outfits mainly online. i can describe my style as colorful, mature, & complimentary. I am not afraid of criticism and a lover of learning. I've been on social media for over a decade and started on MySpace and YouTube. I was highly skilled at coding and video editing. if you read it this far, let's collab and create a long lasting relationship we won't regret!

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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 25.13%
Comment Average 15
Like Average 18
View Average 213

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